Tuesday, June 26, 2007

You can get your first month of storage free!

Home from my first night of working midnight to eight. I'm stiff and sore, but it's a GOOD stiff and sore - the kind you feel after putting in a good, hard day of work. I didn't feel sleepy, per se, though it seemed like the last three hours, my IQ began to drop considerably. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've used the backspace while typing this in order to change words from "ov" to "of", for example.

Went to Target afterwards and bought... stuff. Benedryl, food, a night sleepy mask thing - for $4.99! There was one that was a buck and a half less, but it was made of terry cloth vs. satin, and had obnoxious teenagery pictures on it, in annoying teenage hot dark pink and teal. I also got what must've been THEE LAST TEA BALL IN THE WOOOOORLD, or so my wocked off mind decided, after searching high and low.

I dirtied myself almost immediately upon working - for the rest of the evening, it looked as if I lactated motor oil. Sexeh. I told Yancey that I was really a pregnant robot in disguise. He was not amused.

I thought I had more to say, but I can't think of it at the moment.

Monday, June 25, 2007

You can pay with points and go.

It's almost eeeeeerie how many people on my friendslist had issues sleeping last night. Almost every other post (if not more) that I read of yours, involved bad dreams, panic, restlessness, unease. I'm sorry, my pretties. I send good jujubeeees in your direction.

I had planned on going to bed at noon yesterday, but didn't make it until one. (I had just ONE MORE QUEST OMG to finish in WoW-land before going... and then one more... and then since I was already in the area, I might as well do THOSE three...) I flopped around for FIVE HOURS before I finally gave up and came downstairs. No amount of camomile tea and Benedryl helped. I stayed up for two hours, then crashed... for four hours. I almost got up at midnight, but fell back into a fitful sleep until 3 a.m., when I finally came downstairs.

I'm going to take my nightly Benedryl (thank you, Daniel!) and drink the teensy bit of wine I have in the fridge in order to make another attempt at sleeping before Ted comes to pick me up around midnight tonight.

Television really, truly sucks between zero o'clock and minus-thirty in the morning. I've spent time flipping between videos on VH1 and old syndicated episodes of Coach, I Love Lucy, and Sanford and Son. I'm watching JAG for the first time ever right now, it isn't half bad.

In other news, I so wish I could do something to keep Bacci from going completely feral on people, especially my roommates. Jess and Dan would be totally scarred by now, if they didn't make it a habit to walk around downstairs with shoes on.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

This isn't like the first time that our friends have called us names.

Okay, so my first leg of trying to get my sleeping schedule turned around didn't work so well. I slept from 5 to 1030, woke up for about an hour with an awful allergy attack. Took more Benedryl and slept until 5 a.m.

Well, poo.

Dumb dreams, too, which were very... odd. I remember a little girl reaching for a roast in the fire and burning half her hair off. I remember wanting that roast really bad, too, but didn't want to step on anyone's feet, so I went hungry. I hadn't been invited, afterall. I remember sitting with my friend Brett from Phoenix and recalling a time that we went white river rapidsing, only for him to say "Uh, if you did that, I wasn't there." Oh. We were on a school bus as I was recounting the story to everyone. I remember us having to hike through the zoo carrying our rafts and water toys, and that someone fell out of the raft and hilarity ensued, but everyone told me it really didn't happen. I ended up at a party house where everyone was kicking back the next day. There was roast on the table, too, and pie, but again I hadn't been invited, and I was sure the roast was spoken for. I could eat pie, but was convinced if I did, that everyone would look at me and call me a pig because I would just eat what wasn't good for me. So I went hungry. I knew I wasn't invited and that no one really wanted me there, and felt awkward at my self invitingness, but realized I truly had nowhere else to go. I also stepped in brie and scraped it off my foot, and was convinced that everyone around me was thinking I was such a pig that I would eat it, anyway. No one truly knew me or cared to know me.

I only have one more night's worth of Benedryl, which means I need to make a hike to Target to get some more. (I'm poor right now but have a Target card.) Maybe I'll be lucky and my brother will be working today and willing to pick me up some. I tried to take only one last night instead of the two I've been taking before bed, which is why I woke up with a massive attack.

Stupid allergies.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

I'mma cop, okay?!?

Home from work and POOPED, which I suppose is a good thing, as starting Monday night/Tuesday morning at midnight, I will be working strictly midnight to eight a.m. shifts.

I'm quite fine with this. NO CUSTOMERS WOO. I won't even have to wear my uniform.

I busted ass and shipped OMGSOMUCHSTUFF back to vendors, as it's the end of the quarter and everything must be done by then. $2000 in dvdr's? Wowsa. HEAVY. In case you're wondering on the weight, it was two eighty pound boxes, two 14 lb boxes, and an 8 lb box. I could go further into details of all I did, but I don't want to bore you even more.

So, two days off to switch my sleeping schedule around. I'm already switched around enough that "sleeping in" is five a.m., so it's just going to take a bit more tweeking.

I also SO wish I could stop waking up at 7:30/8:30 pm and freaking the hell out because my mind automatically processes it as "it's daylight, therefore it's a.m., not p.m." Last night, I was awake with my heart pounding for over five minutes (all filled with cursing) because I thought I was five hours late for work, when I had only slept for an hour.


Thursday, June 21, 2007

You WILL tell me all that you know.

Dreams of roaming through swampland last night, being totally lost in forests and country sides, though there was a cruise involved somewhere. I remember standing on a hilltop overlooking the land, and how beautiful and lush and green it was; though dark clouds were overhead, it almost made the shadows that much more beautiful below. I watched someone in my team that controlled a fire beast, and realized that I controlled ice. I pulled my arms to my side and watched two rings of ice form around each of my wrists; I would then shove my arms out, where two more rings would form on each wrist, then sending a beautiful ice unicorn out to attack my enemy, fighting alongside the giant fire cat of my friend's. I then realized that I had other powers, too, and we were lost, so I picked up a handful of sand and let it fly off my palm. I did it twice to confirm that we needed to head east. We headed east, then I went to a hotel room and had sex with Kevin Griffin (Better Than Ezra, center).

I hate it when I wake up before I'm finished.

Apparently with my new schedule, "sleeping in" means "waking up at 5 a.m." Was a bit discombobulated when I woke up first at 10 pm last night. I thought I heard arguments somewhere, and fell back asleep.

Got disc one of Invader Zim in the mail from Netflix today. Oh, yes, fun was had.

Also watched a slew of Stargate, as the last episode EVUR will be on tomorrow night (I will be asleep for approximately three hours before it airs.) It's messing up my mind the order that they're doing it, though: season three, season four, season one, season eight.

I'm such a nerd.

My allergies hate me this evening.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Lose all the weight you can and only pay $249!

So very pooped today, worked from 4 a.m. until 3 p.m., with lots of physical running around and a ton of mental work to try to retain. Ugh. My time with Muriel is limited, I wish I was absorbing everything a bit faster. I'm a fast learner, true, but sheesh.

Managed to injure not one, not two, but THREE of my fingertips in separate instances: a nice chunk of skin off of my middle left finger when i dropped a box and tried to catch it - it twisted in my hand and now I have a nice, deep, bloody flap. Curse you, wireless keyboard mouse combo box!!! The second is on the index finger of my right hand, where i tried a little too hard to claw my way into some shrink wrapped ink cartridges and pulled my nail away from my finger. Later, as I was packing up some toner boxes to ship in for recycling, I shoved cardboard under the nail on my right thumb.

Animals are weird.

Bad dreams last night. I was stuck back in my music classes with Dr. Appert and had to take my final after all. As I hadn't been to school in a month, I couldn't remember anything I needed to answer, and I wracked my brain for hours (in my dream) over the last question, which was carving my chocolate chip cookie recipe into dough with a paper funnel rim. I was quite pleased with myself when I remembered the two "secret ingredients": vanilla extract and brown sugar.

Woke up stressed and felt as if I hadn't slept all day, though I went to bed at eightish last night. Granted, my alarm goes off at one thirty, but still.

I need a haircut.

Monday, June 18, 2007

But essentially, we'd be shooting at.... nothing.

Enjoying my "evening" as I knit my purse, eat lukewarm clam chowder (I didn't heat it up hot enough but was too lazy to go finish the doo) and wheat thins, sip decaf tea, and watch my season two discs of SG1. It feels like every evening is just a grand waiting game for my bedtime of four o'clock pee em to occur (though I generally fall asleep hours later - reading and all), though today seems extra pleasant for some reason.

I got to feel like a ninny yesterday as I got my official first lesson in hand jack operation. I'm not talking the regular floor jack wheeled things, I'm talking hard core motorized fork lift doo-hickey. Manager Ted gave me instructions as I wheeled, bonked, squealed, and mechanically sashayed around receiving. It was terrifying and embarassing - I felt as if I were suddenly twelve years old again and my arms and legs had outgrown me. I ended up lifting and placing a bale of cardboard ontop of another without any casualties.

One of our giant, creepy lights went out - which causes receiving to smell like scorched rubber. We have no ladders taller than ten feet, so Ted put a pallet onto the tongs of the jack and had me lift him to the ceiling so that he could unplug the light. About five feet from the floor, Ted accidentally leaned back on the pallet, causing it to shimmy on the tongs and his arms to flap in the air in panic. "If that would have happened at the top, I would have crapped my pants," he said.

I also managed to get the entire first season of Buffy for ten bucks. Score. I've been reading oh so many of you making Buffy references on my friends list, so I have been craving me some.

I still haven't seen that musical episode, dagnabbit.

Do you NEED a sidekick?

All I want to do at home since I started the new position is sleeeeep. Lost two pounds from all the exercise I've been getting (as I haven't changed my eating habits, really.)

It feels almost as if I'm in retail boot camp, quite a work out and time FLIES.... until we open.

Still having fun with it, though I'm frustrated for days like tomorrow where I will be spending half my day stuck behind a register. Manager Ted is hoping and pleading for some overnight shifts for him and me, because there is no way whatsoever that we'll be able to get everything that needs to be done for the back to school season with just three of us having only four hours a day (the store being open for the other four we're there, and we can't exactly tear the store up like we need to in order to put it back together the way it needs to go.)

I just feel bad having to have one of them pick me up before work every day. I offered to walk, but everyone put the fear of GOD into me for walking a half hour to work at 330 in the morning, half of that along desolate swamp like land.


While waiting for Ted to pick me up Saturday morning, I witnessed three things:

- A party in the apartment complex was still going on into the wee hours of the morning. There was a very pretty, blonde woman walking back and forth to her car, completely 100%-ly nude from the waist up, talking loudly on her cell phone.

- Three guys in hoodies walked together from the apartment complex next to mine to the apartment complex across the street and down a ways. Five minutes later, they came back at a DEAD RUN. Couldn't have been up to much good, methinks.

- My roommates came home from Jack in the Box and stopped to talk to me a bit as I was waiting in the parking lot. Well, sheesh. If I would have known they were going, I could have tagged along - my work is almost next door.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Now bring it on over to the left...


A purse I am currently knitting. I get very lazy when it comes to crafts, while I am equally whining about how I wish I crafted more. We'll see just how long this project takes, as it's something I can totally use asap.

Taken with the phone camera, which is why it looks like dookie. The colors, as you can't really tell, are dark blue, dark red, and dark purple. I do want to add a dark green as well, but I can't seem to locate my yarn.


Daniel made us all a fantastic dinner consisting of homemade waffles, fresh cantaloupe and strawberries, scrambled eggs with cheese, sour cream, and salsa.


Did I mention that whipped cream is involved? Delish.

I also now have the Invader Zim theme song as my ring tone. It's a cheap verison of it, true, but it's MIIINE.

I hope I can someday locate all my Zim eps. I miss them greatly.

Today I will be the assistant to the marine biologist.

I'm loving the 4 a.m. shift, I must say. Granted, it IS four a.m.; however, the fact that there are no customers until 8, 9, or 10 (depending upon the day) helps this factor immensely.

I ran my ass off today, and sweated buckets. I'm not a sweater, usually, at least not THIS much. Wowza. I'm thankful that I remembered to slather on the deodorant this morning (and so are my coworkers.) I lifted many things, threw lots of freight, climbed lots of ladders with the freight. If I were eating healthy, I'm quite confident I would lose weight in no time.

I was also hazed today.

Yancey calls me over the radio, "Aubrey, can you meet me in receiving? I need help moving a box." I head back and see Yancey standing behind a giant box. "Ted was helping me, but he had to go to the bathroom real quick." I opened my mouth to make a snarky remark about Ted and his bladder as I walked up to the box... and Ted jumped out of the box screeching "RAWR!!!" I squeeled, we all laughed, I remarked that now IIII needed to use the bathroom real fast. As I went back to what I was doing on the floor, I said over the radio, "It's okay, I know you wouldn't do it if you didn't CARE."

Apparently, we're getting in trucks that are about three times the size that they are normally, as our back to school season is starting. The last two years, they had seven - SEVEN!!! - associates working their tails off to keep up with the freight and merchandising resetting, and this year, we have THREE. Granted, I think that if anyone in the store can do it, it's us three (toot toot my horn, yesh.), but still. In the middle of all of this, I still need to find time to do all the price changes coming through, the defects, the known thefts, the corporate recalls, the vendor returns, the ... GAH. Apparently, they're going to give me one - maybe TWO! - days a week so that I can work on that stuff exclusively.

They had BEST give me one helluva raise. I find out next week (hope!) what and if I get one.

Oh how I love it when cats are suddenly clumsy, fighting tooth and nail to keep their footing. Unfortunately, Bacci jumped on my chair arm and slipped.. her nail just went so deep into my arm that it pulled my arm down to the floor when she fell.

Yes, I'm bleeding now.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

It's spread out throughout the gut.

Home and TIE-URD. I'm going to try my damnedest to pull up some superhero waking strength to keep me awake until at least 7 or so, so that I can work harder at changing my sleeping schedule around.

Came up with the eyeda (in my sleep deprived mind, this is how I automatically spelled "idea" - makes sense: eye. d. a.) to come in for just two hours tomorrow and two hours the next day - both starting at 6 am - to train with Muriel &hearts.

I think my cat is obsessed with me sometimes.

And in case you haven't figured it out already, for lack of a title, I have just been pulling what i hear off of the telly when it's time to post.

When Girls Gone Wild teams up with TV's Reality Stars...

Two thirty in the morning and I'm up for work, yaaaay!

Yancey will be here to pick me up in about an hour. In the meantime, I shall try to thwart my allergies' evil attempt at my ability to see and breathe, drink any caffeine I can get my mits on, and shove food down my maw.

The last three days at work? Hell. Well, I mean, I suppose I've had MUCH worse days, but we've been SO FLIPPING BUSY OMG that ... well, on our skeleton crew, it makes things quite harsh, it does. I'm hoping that it helps me seem an important worker, as I think my capabilities shine when all shit is hitting the fan.

I can multitask like nobody's bid'ness.

Planned on going to bed at six pm last night, but stayed up until a bit past seven, finally turning my light off at a little past eight. It was remarkably easy to get up... let's hope that all my other butt-thirty mornings are this easy.

I thought I had more to add, but I can't think through the wrath of the sinus godz.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

I drink a little, I stay up late, but I sleep a lot.

Any particular reason why Bacci has BOOBIES now? They seem to be getting... bigger as each day goes by. Yes, she was fixed, which is why I'm perplexed and concerned.

Home from work, and eGADS did I make my moneys worth today. I worked HARD for the monay. It's day two of a hell weekend. I'm freaking BEAT. I was excited about moving to my new position, and tomorrow was supposed to be the first day of training... but they didn't schedule anyone, so I'm the cashier from 8 - 2, giving me only two hours before we open in order to have access to anything. No word on a raise, though Capt. Kirk seems hell bent on getting me SOMEthing, but the person who can approve it will be on vacation all next week.


My odd moment of clarity today: During a time where things were going INSANE with customers at work, every associate calling me to all corners of the building for assistance (more than the manager at times), it dawned on me:

I was the only person working the entire day and with everything going wrong today that has been employed with OfficeMax more than a month, manager included.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Closed with Manager Jason for the first time tonight - in fact, it was the first time that I had worked with him for more than an hour in the entire month that he's worked there.

It was an EXCELLENT night for my ego, as he kept saying how much the managers keep talking about me and how much he's heard and WHAT he's heard, as well as OMG HOW BEYOND excited they are to have me in my new position, ESPECIALLY the logistics team of Ted and Yancey that I'm going to. :D :D :D :D

So tomorrow is my first day in my new postion, working 9 - 530, then 6 am to 2, then 4 am to 1. It's nice that I'm being eased into my new 4 a.m. starting time, though I think I've stated this a million times already.

Blahblahblah. Nothing overly interesting to report. I wore my new work pants today. Rawk.

Craving me some Buffy.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

When that happened, I made that story up

Woke up with a confusion as to what day it was: is it Thursday or Friday?

Thankfully, this mystery has been solved.

Picked up my schedule for next week at work yesterday. I'm full time, woo!! 38 hours, most of the days starting at 6 or 4 a.m. This doesn't bother me a bit, EXCEPT that one of the 4 a.m. shifts is immediately after a closing until 10 p.m. shift. I shall point this out to them when I go back on Saturday, and see if the really hate me, or just didn't notice. But I'll be working with Ted and Yancey, two of my favoritest coworkers, and a lot of the hours will be when we're closed, so no customers! I'll also be quite busy with freight and other stuff, so I'll definitely get more exercise this way, too. I'm just confused, as the lady who's spot I'm taking is only working the days that I'm off, so.... who's gunna train me, yo?

My tummy hurts.

I thanked the store manager for the promotion, and he thanked me for my hard work in response. He also said that as much as he loves the person who's spot I'm taking, that he knows that most people can do her job in less than half the time it takes her, so to keep that in mind when she's training me.

And I have a desk now! And the back room will be known as Aubrey's Dungeon! And now I get to be the one that bitches royally when people ditch things on the back desk! And I get keys to the back lock up!

Capt. Kirk said that he is interested in getting me more money, but has no idea how much yet, as he hasn't had a chance to look at my file to see what I make now and what they'll be willing to give me. I am HOPING for maybe $1 more an hour, but.... yeah. I think that's a bit high of a request for retail.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Drool. Ugh.

Bored bored bored. I logged out of WoW real quick to do a restart as I was lagging enough to pull hairs. Unfortunately, I can't get back in, grrr.

Granted, there's so many other things I could be doing with my precious time than leveling my rogue by doing the same blasted Horde quests over and over and over, but... yeah. I WAS in the mood to do the quests, not to... knit my blasted purse I've been meaning to make, or learn sign language, or CLEAN.


My wound hath soaked through four layers of bandage and is still massively tender. Delish.

Cramping all day. Bloated like a three-day-dead pig.

I need to get me some friends in here, I do.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Tell me about it.

Something I left out of my post yesterday...

My work pants are old, and I HATE shopping, so I've been putting off buying pants until the last possible second.

Welp, the inside left seam of my pants tore a bit during work, but not enough to embarass. It WAS enough, however, for my thighs to rub against each other and chafe. (Sexy mental impression, I know.)

Fast forward a few hours of this happening around work, and then a half hour walk home in VERY hot and QUITE humid weather.. the pants stuck to my sweaty legs, resulting in quite a .. rub wound when I got home. I didn't think it was that bad, but didn't like the pain of the wound against fabric, so I put a non adhesive pad on it and went about my way.

When I was getting ready for bed last night, I realized that the nonstick pad had most certainly stuck to the wound. In fact, something quite undelicious had soaked quite through the pad, adhering it completely. (Not blood.) I pulled it off.... oh my GAW, the PAIN. I was in the upstairs bathroom panting, with the wound weeping down my leg. How on earth would I get my pants back on? Oy.

To make a short story long, I had to put another pad on to sleep in, and removed it again this morning so that the still weeping wound can get some air. I'm wearing shorts (something I never do) and walking around the house like a sumo wrestler to prevent my thighs from touching.

It's really meaty. And really disgusting. But kinda cool.


After making this post yesterday about where else on the interwebs you can find me, I also started a...


Again, to find out where else on the webs you can find me, check out yesterday's post and add me to your netflixes and your neopets and your miscellaneouseses.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Randomness and where else you can find me

Ohmygaw. How hilarious is this?

My old website is still up! I apologize for the absolutely HORRID site. I obviously know zilch about html.

Apparently, my brother's is still up, too.

I totally forgot about those things, I did! I also forgot about drunkenly kissing a random gay guy, in a picture found SOMEwhere on those sites. Tee hee.

Reminds me: Pride is coming up. So far, I have made it a habit to go every other year, which makes it this year the year to go. Anyone wanna?

Home from work and thankfully I have finally stopped dripping sweat from my walk home. It feels like armpit outside, causing me to daydream about winter. Or maybe autumn with its fantastic smells? Aw, yesh.

Le sigh.

This also marks the beginning of my (unasked for) five day weekend. Huzzah. Maybe I'll get some organizing done? Mayhaps. I really need to pick up that guitar, too. And drop off the rent check. Beyond that? ANYONE'S GUESS! I'm such a maverick. Off the handle I go! Carazay.

I have realized I've slowly been turning into a hippiesque person - I recycle much more, I try my bestest to use products not used on animals, I don't eat meat, I eat little dairy.

I have an angry hangnail.

Bacci has started playing fetch again, which is amusing... for the first five hundred minutes. She's quite patient at times: I've had her drop her ball on my keyboard when I don't pay attention. I also felt her staring at me last night and looked over... and there she sat on the floor staring at me, ball in her mouth.

Oh how I love watching Dirty Jobs.

I also find it amusing that I still have my deadjournal.
I also have a Vox account.
I also have my LiveJournal.
I also have My MySpace.
I also have My musician page on MySpace.
I also have a Twitter account!
I also have a Flickr account!
I also have a Deviant Art account!
I also have an InsaneJournal!
If you want to go on the wayback wagon, I also have a Friendster account!

Anything else I should get that I'm currently missing?

Oh, yesh:

Neopets user: aubkabob
Netflix friends list: aubkabob@livejournal.com

Methinks I shall crosspost this in most of those places so that you all may find me.