Tuesday, June 26, 2007

You can get your first month of storage free!

Home from my first night of working midnight to eight. I'm stiff and sore, but it's a GOOD stiff and sore - the kind you feel after putting in a good, hard day of work. I didn't feel sleepy, per se, though it seemed like the last three hours, my IQ began to drop considerably. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've used the backspace while typing this in order to change words from "ov" to "of", for example.

Went to Target afterwards and bought... stuff. Benedryl, food, a night sleepy mask thing - for $4.99! There was one that was a buck and a half less, but it was made of terry cloth vs. satin, and had obnoxious teenagery pictures on it, in annoying teenage hot dark pink and teal. I also got what must've been THEE LAST TEA BALL IN THE WOOOOORLD, or so my wocked off mind decided, after searching high and low.

I dirtied myself almost immediately upon working - for the rest of the evening, it looked as if I lactated motor oil. Sexeh. I told Yancey that I was really a pregnant robot in disguise. He was not amused.

I thought I had more to say, but I can't think of it at the moment.

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